Friday, November 23, 2007

Finally survived what Justin calls the "trifecta"?

I call it the plague...three times over. I was pretty sick...with like 3 separate things. I don't think that in my entire life that has happened before. I had a horrible cold with laryngitis, a viral rash that practically drove me to insanity, and mastitis. I really do think I almost turned into a raving lunatic from the pain and the constant itching. But, here I am...on the upswing, and that's good news. Thankfully Quincy has been sleeping through the night for over 2 weeks now. That is what I think saved me...and she started doing it all on her own, with no work on my part. Such a good baby...helping mom out just when I needed her to. I love my feel good baby. She always does just that. So now Cole has the plague that Justin had and is coughing like I've never heard him cough before....wondering if pneumonia is out of the question. We'll see what the next few days brings...For now I want to start a list of Q's milestones for the month so I don't lose track of goes.

At 10 months you...
-are "cruising" along the furniture (walking while holding onto the couch, etc.)
-shake your head "yes" or "no" when I ask you questions
-try to say "cat", "what's that", and "ok".
-started sleeping through the night all by yourself (10.5 months)
-right at 10 months you started standing by yourself for short periods of time...but you do it so many times a day!
-still have no teeth!
-eat enough food to make a grown man jealous!

More to come!

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